Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Graphic Design Internship, Conception, Mo.

Assistant in Graphic Design
The Printery House of Conception Abbey

The Graphic Designer uses images, designs and creates graphics that produce visual solutions in the creation of catalogs and other direct marketing materials. Proficient page production artist using Adobe Creative suite: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator on a Mac who is responsible for pulling copy, identifying images, page layout, color correction, output for proofs, and file assembly for printing. Must be able to work independently and manage schedules for on-time turnover of catalog for printing.

1. Prepares card and product images for catalog.
2. Organizes the pagination and placement of products on catalog pages.
3. Inputs images and text for catalog pages.
4. Gathers ideas and implements design for covers and inside pages.
5. Organizes and schedules proofing of catalog pages.
6. Prints proofs for catalog pages.
7. Makes final digital images of pages for press.
8. Sends catalog PDF pages and final proofs to printer.
9. Manages deadlines for catalogs.

Contact Information
Fr Peter Ullrich
General Manager - The Printery House
P. O. Box 12
Conception, Missouri 64433
United States

Fax: 660.944.3116

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