About @comminternships

Steven Chappell
Steven Chappell
@comminternships and www.comminternships.com are the brain child of Steven Chappell, a student media specialist, journalism educator and professional journalist for more than 25 years. Chappell works to ensure his students -- and communication students everywhere -- are connected with the best internship and entry-level job experiences available.

The blog and Twitter feed are designed to provide students with a broad range of opportunities in the field of communication, with internship and job opportunities posted in the specialized fields of public relations, marketing, branding, journalism, web design, graphic design, photojournalism, videography, broadcast journalism, social media and more. A number of hashtags are affiliated with the account, including #jourintern, #printern, #socialmediaintern and #designintern for the internship postings; and #entrylevelpr, #entryleveljour, #entryleveldesign and #entrylevelsm for the entry-level jobs. Other hashtags may be used for more specific postings, but all internships are identified with the #internship tag. If known, internships are also designated as paid or unpaid in the tweet. The location of the job or internship is also provided when known.

If you have an internship or entry-level communication job to post on the blog or Twitter feed, please e-mail steven@comminternships.com.

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